Friday 16 December 2011

sedih ..

                                      sedih apabila teringat kat kengkawan ..                                                                                                                                                 sedih apabila teringat kat skola lame ..                                     sedih apabila teringat kat bibik cleaner kat skola lame haha just kidding ..                                                                          sedih apabila teringat kat cikgu-cikgu                                           tapi ape kan daye .. aku harus terima hakikat bahawa aku terpaksa meninggal kan kegkawan ku yang annoying tuu haha xD but i'm still can find a new friends at my new school and i also want you know that i can't forget my old friends ! becouse they were the best people that i cant find them dekat mane-mane lagi .                                         

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